For users that prefer to work within their favorite sequencer, XTC mode is made to order.  Using XTC mode means there is no need to use the Scope project window to set up routings between devices.  This month we take a look at how to get started with using Scope plugins within Cubase.

  • From the Scope Live Bar menu, select 'Set / Settings'  (see left).

  • The Program Settings window will popup (see right).

  • Select the 'Enable VST Integration Mode (XTC)' checkbox.

  • Close Scope.  Note Scope must be closed for XTC mode to activate.

  • Start up Cubase.

  • If this is the first time you have used XTC then you need to update your plug-in information, otherwise skip this step.

  • From the Cubase main menu, select 'Devices / Plug-in Information'.  The 'Plug-in Information' window will open.

  • Press the 'Update' button and wait a few minutes.

Ignore this message if you had an older version of Scope on your PC.
  • From the Cubase main menu, select 'Devices / VST Connections'.  The 'VST Connections' window will open (see left).  

  • Select the 'Inputs' tab.   By default, one Scope input will already be present.

  • Right click and select 'Add Buss / Stereo'.  The next Scope input will be added to the list.  Repeat for all inputs.

  • Rename the input busses if desired by overtyping the Bus Names (see right).

  • Select the 'Output' tab of the VST Connections window.  By default, one Scope output will already be present.

  • Right click and select 'Add Buss / Stereo'.  The next Scope output will be added to the list.  Repeat for all outputs.

  • Rename the output busses if desired by over-typing the Bus Names (see right).

  • You may change the individual ports by right clicking on any of the 'Device Ports'.  A popup selection window will appear for this purpose (see right).


  1. Go to /App/Bin and open cset.ini , change XTCMode=0 to 1.
    Under [SEQPATH]
    add the folder you have put the .dll's for your vst host (example c:\VSTPLUGINS\XTC)
    So it will be :

  2. Create a folder /DEVICEXTC into /SCOPE PCI installation path and put all the .dev and .mdl you want to use as XTC.
  3. Go to your old SFP4 installation App/Bin take SCOPEVST.CFG and copy to the folder /SCOPE PCI/App/Bin
  4. Edit SCOPEVST.CFG and point to /SCOPE PCI/DEVICEXTC and subfolders , example :

    ScopeMono C:/SCOPE PCI/DevicesXTC/Mono/*.* (if u wanna put mono effects into /Mono)
    ScopeStereo C:/SCOPE PCI/DevicesXTC/Effects/*.dev (if u wanna put effects into /Effects)
    ScopeSynth C:/SCOPE PCI/DevicesXTC/SYNTH/*.* (if u wanna put Synths into /SYNTH)
  5. Go to the folder where you have the XTC .dll's for your VST HOST (Ex. C:\VSTPLUGIN\XTC) and edit XTC.INI to point into /SCOPE PCI :

    Application=C:/SCOPE PCI/App/XTCAPP/

    Create the .dll's for the devices you wanna use as XTC and put it into C:\VSTPLUGINS\XTC.
Dante and KWILD October 2010   For more advanced configuration information check the PlanetZ XTC Patch Guide